Amid RRB NTPC Protests, Questions Arise Over Khan Sir’s Alleged Influence

Amid RRB NTPC Protests, Questions Arise Over Khan Sir's Alleged Influence
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Hello friends. On January January 26th, when Republic Day was being celebrated all over the country, a photo of a burning train went viral on social media. Thousands of students came out to protest in many areas of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh,, and it is said that some of these students became violent, due to which a train was set on fire and a train was also pelted with stones. After this, we got to see some more horrifying scenes when photos went viral where these protesting students were being beaten mercilessly by the police, and just a day before this incident, news was heard from Uttar Pradesh. The police went to the apartments of some students. They were beaten up after breaking their doors. After listening to all this, a question will arise in your mind about why the students were so forced to protest in such large numbers and to such an extent that at some places these protests became violent. Technically, the answer to this is related to the RRB NTPC exam. But if you try to find the root of this show, then here you will see a problem that concerns the youth of the whole country. Unemployment. In Bihar, the movement of youth has spread in many districts of Bihar against the result of the Railway Recruitment Board’s NTPC examination.


Police fail protector, civil service. The police have intensified their investigation regarding the violence. The names of some coaching centers in Bihar are coming up in this case, in which the famous Khan Sir is also included. The government suspends exam committee protests students. RRB NTPC Railway Recruitment Board’s non-technical popular category exam. This is an exam that is taken for many types of jobs in Indian Railways, for example, train assistant, traffic assistant, goods guard, guard, junior clerk, timekeeper, and station master. All these jobs have been divided into different levels. From level two to level six, each level has its own pay scale for how much salary they should get.

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For example, the starting salary of a level one job is around 12 and the minimum qualification is a 12th pass, and the starting salary of a level six job, for example, station master, is around 12 and the minimum qualification is 12. Graduation is a complete exam. It is conducted in several stages. The first stage is a computer-based test (CBT), followed by a second stage (CBT), a typing skill test or a computer-based aptitude test, and then document verification or a medical examination. What is the issue? Why are students starting to protest here? This RRB NTPC exam of 2019, its notification was issued on 28 February 2019. But due to the code, the exam got postponed, delayed, and finally conducted.


The exam was conducted in seven different phases between December 28, 2020, and July 31, 2021. In total, the exam was being conducted for about 35 thousand vacancies. That is, the exam was being conducted for jobs, and how many candidates were writing this exam in total? One point four crore candidates—you can imagine how many people are starting to complete it for these 35 thousand jobs. The result is announced after about five to six months of conducting the exam. The result of the CBT was on January 3, 2022, and on its basis, 7 lakh candidates were shortlisted who could write the CBT 2 exam. Now RRB had promised that the number of vacancies should be 35 thousand times the number of vacancies. The number of candidates who are shortlisted to write the CBT 2 exam is 35 thousand times around 7 lakhs, so this is correct. But the problem here is that when the result actually came, it was found that some students have been counted two or three times. In the shortlisted list, for different levels, 7 lakh students should not actually qualify.


To write the CBT 2 exam, only round-three-point students should qualify. The names of many of these students were counted twice or three times. When different levels were being talked about—level two, level three, and level six—jobs were being talked about, then in reality, the number one candidate was not the number one vacancy. The second problem was that, according to the students, who were 12th-grade students and who were graduate students,. Both were asked to write the same exam. But when it came to selection, the cutoffs for both were different. In fact, the cutoffs for graduates were lower and easier, and those for the 12th pass were more difficult than the cutoffs. The reasoning given by the government behind this is that the highest qualification requirement in the 35,000 vacancies we have is graduate, so all 35,000 vacancies are vacant for a graduate student. But for 12th pass, only 10,000 vacancies out of 35,000 are vacant.

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Because there are only those jobs for which you can get a job with a 12th pass qualification. But what basically happened was that graduate students got an unfair advantage. They were not only competing with each other for their jobs, but 12th grade students had to compete with graduate students. For 12th pass jobs, the government basically answered this point by saying that they have done this for CBT so that time and money can be saved. The government has another CBT-2 exam, which is conducted separately for different levels.


Friends, this was the problem that NTPC students were facing, due to which they were protesting. Before protesting on the streets, the students had also tried to convey their views through Twitter, but the government did not listen. Although millions of tweets were being made,. It was trending at number one, but neither the media nor the government took it up. They were worried about it in the beginning. But the interesting thing is that not only NTPC students were protesting. Railway Group D students were also protesting. RRB had given notification for the Group D level examination in March 2019. This too was postponed due to the exam code. There was a lot of delay. But now suddenly they have issued a new notification that now we will not take one exam but two exams. Meaning they did not tell in 2019. They issued a new notification exactly one month before the exam. He said that now this exam will be held in February 2022 and it will be an exam in two phases. It means that students were not given much time. This thing was not told on time to prepare and at the same time they also changed the procedure of normalization marks. In these exams, it may seem like a small thing to you and me but for many students, this is a question of their life. Just think, many of these jobs are very low salary jobs, you do not get much salary. Why are you running the job? What did you do with BTC, why do it again? Is a private job worth five thousand six thousand rupees? This is the new policy of the government.


All the recruitments that are happening are casual. Whatever pension they get, they get it through the NPS. Private companies are benefiting from privatization. The poor man is dying. This government has brought worship to the fore in every endeavor. Whenever you turn on the TV, you see flower garlands, flower garlands, flower garlands. Running the country is the wrong thing to do. If the country were filled with worship, people would keep worshipping. So many people, even people from economic backgrounds, apply for these jobs. They write these exams. They have to pay application fees. ₹500 again may not be a big deal for you but for many people whose family earns only 2-3000, paying application fees is a big deal for them. They pay this money to write the exam and then the exam does not take place for two years at first and then when it does, sometimes the results are so late. When the results come, here the results come in such an unfair manner. Vacancies are not filled properly. Imagine if a student is waiting for this exam to get a job, his whole life will be ruined. My father is educating us by selling his land while waiting for two-three years here. If mother gets sick at home, she does not treat her. Why does she say that she has to give us 3000 next month, how will we survive. She is educating us by bearing her own pain. This is the biggest sector of jobs. Please send them to that only. Where will the youth go? Do not bring the youth on the road, otherwise you will come on the road.

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This was the reason why a lot of students came out on the roads. To protest, especially in the areas of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar and in some places Opportunity. This protest turned violent and a very violent and brutal reaction was also seen from the Opportunity police. Students were attacked. The violence that happened here was very wrong from both sides. Especially the students should realize that nothing is going to be achieved here by breaking anything or setting trains on fire. In fact, nothing else happens from such violent incidents, rather the government gets an excuse to declare the protest as anti-national, urban Naxalite. You must know how eager the government is and how enthusiastic the government media is here to try to show anyone who criticizes the government, raises voice against the government, protests in any way as anti-national as soon as possible. These things started with CNRC. Then there were farmers’ protests, then doctors’ protests and now students are protesting. The same thing is seen everywhere. After the protests turned violent, the railways suspended the NTPC exams and a committee was formed. It was said that it will investigate the complaints raised by the students and look into those complaints in depth. This committee is headed by Deepak Peter, who is the Principal Executive Director of the Railway Board of Industrial Relations and it has been said that students can submit their grievances and suggestions on the RRB Committee at the rate of Within three weeks. February 3. Some students say that instead of solving this problem, the government is thinking of pushing this issue back so that there is no problem in the elections of Uttar Pradesh, so that the government does not lose its precious votes and at the same time there is no student representative in the committee.


So that is why students say that the government is not serious about solving this problem. Interestingly, an FIR has also been filed against some teachers here. Saying that they were trying to provoke the students. For example, Khan Sir is a popular YouTuber and teacher. You must be knowing that he was told to try to provoke the students but actually if you have seen his video, he simply tried to raise this issue. Here he talked about the problems that the students were facing and asked the students to raise their voice, in which there is absolutely nothing wrong. In fact, Khan had clearly said many times in his video that he neither supports any violence nor is asking the students to be violent. You will not do any kind of protest because when you protest, some other person will also come in between and do violence. The train that was burnt in Ara or the train that was burnt in Gaya, can a student say that no one else has done the same in the name of it? Can any student keep things moving in this manner? So from today onwards can no one even talk about their problems? Students, doctors, teachers, farmers, are they all forbidden from talking about their problems? Has even talking about this become anti-national? People will start getting cases for this too. In my opinion, violence is a wrong thing here. I do not support any kind of violence. But seeing this happening, it seems that the government is just looking for a skateboard here and is not ready to deal with the real problem. Especially today at the point where I started making this video.


There is a trend going on on Twitter. Hashtag arrest, coaching mafia and seeing it, it seems that their IT cell is trying to forcefully villainize Khan Sir and other teachers here in some way. All the blame is being put on them. Attempts are being made to defame them. Do you know the biggest thing here. Friends, what you are seeing regularly happening in the exam is not a matter of one or two railway exams. If you listen to the news of the last few years, then this thing has become a regular current. This is being seen happening repeatedly in many exams. Earlier it happened in the NEET exam due to which doctors were protesting. You must remember that even there the police behaved very badly with the resident doctors. They were beaten up. You must be knowing that the Jamia case is very famous. Students were beaten up. Before that there was the SSC scam by the police.

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A big case of paper leak and mass cheating. In fact, if you try to see the news, in how many cases we are getting to see paper leak and cheating here. You will be surprised at the scale. Last month, the Hindi examination paper of the National Eligibility Test was leaked. The Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test paper was leaked in December 2021. The Rajasthan Eligibility Exam for Teachers paper was leaked in February 2021. The Common Entrance Exam paper of February 2021 was leaked. If we talk about just one state, in the last seven years, papers have been leaked nine times in Gujarat alone. 2014, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21 all these papers were leaked. There is a severe lack of political will on the part of the government here. They don’t even care if the exams are being conducted in a proper manner. What happens to the students whose exams are not being conducted. They are busy with their Hindu Muslim temple mosque issues. After this comes the problem of employment. Unemployment and government jobs are decreasing so rapidly in the country.


You can see it in the chart. Ashoka University’s Professor of Economics Ashwini Deshpande had made a very eye-opening tweet. Here if one to five crore applicants are applying for just 35,000 jobs. It means that there are three hundred and four applicants. For just one job, for one job. Here more than 300 people are completing and out of those three only one will get the job. What will happen to the rest of the three hundred. They will remain unemployed and due to this we are seeing the vacancies also decreasing. For example, there used to be 20 thousand vacancies in SSC in 2013, which has come down to just 89000 in 2019 and it is very important to solve this employment problem. Finding a solution is a far-fetched idea, before solving the problem we will have to accept that there is a problem of unemployment in the country, which the government does not seem to be willing to accept.

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