An 18-year-old who had been injected drugs by a friend for “thrills” overdoses and dies

An 18-year-old who had been injected drugs by a friend for "thrills" overdoses and dies
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An 18-year-old who had been injected drugs by a friend for “thrills” overdoses and dies. After being persuaded by her male friend to participate in a “thrill-seeking experience,” an 18-year-old woman reportedly overdosed on drugs and passed away.

According to the police, the friend drove her to a deserted plot in Tiwariganj, Lucknow, and gave her an injection of a prescription medication mixed with an addictive substance.

On April 3, the woman, who worked for a private company in Bengaluru, came back to Lucknow.

She was leaving her Mahanagar home on April 7 to catch a train to Bengaluru when the incident happened.

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“Barabanki resident Vivek Maurya, 28, has been taken into custody. He was friends with the victim and resided in Mahanagar, according to ACP (Vibhuti Khand) Anindya Vikram Singh.

According to the ACP, the BBD police initially filed the FIR under IPC Section 302 (murder), but during the investigation, it was changed to IPC Section 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder).

The girl’s condition worsened after the “cocktail overdose,” according to the police, and the young person also became extremely drunk.

The police hurried her to the Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital after he called UP112 to ask for assistance. The girl was pronounced dead by the doctors following an ECG.

According to police, the woman’s family expressed concern that her “drug overdose” may have been a planned murder.

The accused admitted to police that his “thrill-seeking experiment” had failed during questioning. He claimed that the girl tried to use the addictive substance by calling him as she was leaving the house.

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He took Maurya to a friend’s empty plot in Tiwariganj, where he mixed smack with an Avil injection, she told police. According to the police, he shot himself first before injecting the girl.

Following a complaint from the mother of the deceased, the BBD police detained the accused, filed a formal complaint, and arranged for a post-mortem examination of the body.

The girl had previously rented Vivek’s home in Lucknow’s New Hyderabad neighbourhood with her family, the police learned during the course of their investigation. They claimed that in addition to being a drug addict, Vivek forced her to take the substances.

The accused, according to the police, ran from the hospital after becoming afraid after learning of the girl’s death. But first, he told the girl’s family about what had happened. But Vivek was taken into custody by the police close to the Indira Canal.

At the abandoned plot, the police discovered a pack of smack and a syringe.

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