PM Attacks Opposition Over Constitution Remark Even If Ambedkar Returns

PM Attacks Opposition Over Constitution Remark Even If Ambedkar Returns
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Today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took aim at the Opposition for claiming that if he were to win a third term, democracy and the Constitution would be in jeopardy. PM Modi claimed that BR Ambedkar’s “soul must be blessing me” for removing Jammu and Kashmir’s special status during a rally in the Nagpur district.

Why was not the Constitution in effect throughout the nation until Article 370 was removed (in 2019), if it was so important? Because it was lenient toward separatists, the opposition opposed it, according to PM Modi. “With the repeal of Article 370, Modi must be receiving a blessing from Ambedkar’s soul,” he continued.

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“For the (BJP) government, the country’s Constitution is everything, and even if Babasaheb Ambedkar himself comes, he cannot abolish the Constitution,” Prime Minister Modi declared, accusing the Congress of attempting to “destroy the Constitution” by declaring an emergency.

The Prime Minister, the front-runner for the BJP in the Lok Sabha elections, claimed that the Opposition has been misleading people by claiming that if he and his party win again, the Constitution will be altered. “During the Emergency, did not democracy come under threat?” he asked.

This was PM Modi’s second trip to Vidarbha, where the first round of voting is scheduled for April 19. He conducted a campaign for the BJP’s Chandrapur and Gadchiroli-Chimur nominees on Monday.

According to PM Modi, tribal people and Dalits living in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir now enjoy constitutional rights, whereas during the Congress’s rule, their rights were disregarded in favor of vote-bank politics.

“My work over the past ten years is merely a taste of what is to come; the main course is still to come.” Your dream for the next five years is a Modi sankalp. I dedicate every moment of my life to the advancement of the nation and your well-being. 365 days a year until 2047,” the PM declared.

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