What the US Said About Allegations That India Was Performing Targeted Kills in Pakistan

What the US Said About Allegations That India Was Performing Targeted Kills in Pakistan
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What the US Said About Allegations That India Was Performing Targeted Kills in Pakistan. The US stated on Monday that it encourages communication between the two nations to resolve their differences and that it has been monitoring reports alleging India of carrying out targeted killings in Pakistan.

India last week dismissed the accusations of targeted killings as “false and malicious anti-India propaganda,” following a report in the UK daily The Guardian that cited Pakistani evidence.

When questioned about the claims, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said that while his agency will not get involved in the matter, it will urge both parties to prevent tensions from getting worse.

#WATCH | On being asked about the United States’ position on Pakistan’s allegations against India about carrying out state killings in Pakistan, US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller says, “So we have been following the media reports about this issue. There are none that we have. pic.twitter.com/vwaKjkvK0Q

ANI (@ANI) April 9, 2024

“We have been keeping up with the news coverage of this problem. Regarding the core claims, we have nothing to say. Naturally, he continued, “We urge all parties to avoid escalation and find a resolution through dialogue, even though we will not intervene in this matter.”

According to a report by The Guardian, since the Pulwama attack in 2019, the Indian intelligence agency RAW is believed to have carried out as many as 20 such assassinations.

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The report also asserted that Delhi “has implemented a policy of targeting those it considers hostile to India,” citing evidence provided by Pakistan and interviews with intelligence officials from both sides of the border.

It also cited Pakistani officials who claimed that the deaths were carried out by Indian intelligence sleeper cells stationed in the United Arab Emirates. The story also quoted an unidentified Indian official who claimed that the nation was inspired by the 2018 murder of Saudi dissident and journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as well as by Russia’s KGB and Israel’s Mossad, two intelligence services connected to extrajudicial killings abroad.

India refuted the accusations, citing Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar’s recent declaration that “the government of India’s policy” did not include targeted killings in other nations.

The Guardian report also mentioned the denial from the foreign ministry.

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